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CAFOD    pray-fast-give




The Catholic Agency For Overseas Development, founded in the early 1960s, is the Catholic aid agency for England and Wales. Funded by donations from the Catholic community, the British Government and the general public it works internationally to alleviate poverty and suffering in developing countries.


CAFOD is unique amongst British aid agencies in its reliance on partnerships with existing groups in developing countries. This is a more effective way of ensuring that as much of the funding received impacts on the projects supported as possible.


It benefits from membership of the Caritas International Federation which operates in many countries and territories worldwide. CAFOD is also a member of the  Disasters Emergency Committee, DEC, and the British Overseas Aid Group.


When disasters occur which require emergency aid CAFOD operates with the DEC and at such times the most direct way you could help would be to donate to CAFOD.



Our Parishes


Support for international development is the major focus and that has always been well-supported in both parishes, though in different ways at different times.


In St Joseph’s this has most often taken the form of fund-raising events and the weekly raffle, which supports those orphaned by the Ebola virus in Africa.


In St Helen’s collections are taken each week at both Sunday Masses using “Friday Self-Denial” envelopes. This was a response to the easing of the rules on abstinence on Fridays in the mid-60s and, although the expectation of abstinence in some form has been reintroduced, the collections have continued with the welcome support of our Parish Priests.


Both parishes support the general appeals at Harvest-time and in Lent.


One off donations may be made through the website or by post to



Romero House

55 Westminster Bridge Road





Tax and Gift Aid


If you pay UK income tax any donation you make to a charity can be Gift Aided on completion of a simple form. This enables the charity to claim the basic rate tax paid on your donation. This would increase the value of a donation of £4 by an additional £1.


This will never affect your liability for tax although if you are fortunate enough to be a higher rate tax payer you may also claim a tax rebate.


If you choose to make a postal donation you might like to print out and complete the form below and include with your cheque.




Full Name                   ________________________________


Address                       ________________________________



Post Code                   ________________


I certify that I am a UK taxpayer and that I wish to Gift Aid my donation of £ ___


Signature                    ______________________  Date    ____/___/____


Parish              ____________________________


Please delete that which doesn’t apply.


I do not wish to be included on CAFOD’s mailing list


I wish to be included on CAFODs mailing list



My email address is ___________________________________________________                                          




Prayer and other resources


CAFOD produces a wide range of resources. These may be accessed on the website


These include a brief weekly newsletter with a reflection on the readings for the following Sunday.


If you include yourself on the mailing list with an email address these will be sent to you each week.


A quarterly review of CAFOD’s work across the globe, and the campaigns it supports, will be sent to you by post


You might wish to consider that once on the mailing list you will receive requests for further financial support.





CAFOD in Liverpool Volunteer Centre,  27 Crofton Road, Liverpool L13 5UJ
Tel: 0151 228 4028  Mobile: 07779 804 241 (Siobhan), 07779 804 242 (Colette)  Email:


The team currently produce weekly updates which you can request by email, unsubscribing at any time.


We are Roman Catholic Churches in Crosby and Blundellsands,  near Liverpool. 


The Parish Office

St Helen's Church

112 Alexandra Road



L23 7TQ

The Presbytery

St Joseph’s Church

40 Warren Road



L23 6UE

Tel: 0151 924 3417    E:

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